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There's no better way to support our mission than by becoming a member. You'll be joining a movement of like-minded people who believe that education should be human scale, not industrial scale. 

Help us widen access to a human scale education for all

Your support is vital. In the words of our Founding Patron, Satish Kumar, 'Individually we are like tiny streams, but when we join together we can become a powerful river of change.'


Anyone can become a member of Human Scale Education. Whether you are an interested individual, parent, student, teacher, leader, policy maker, innovator, organisation or any other supporter, join us in our call to put relationships at the heart of our education system and collectively our voices will be stronger. 

Individual Membership

Equity is one of our core values and our membership options reflect this. We operate a sliding scale for membership so that you can give as much as you are able. All members receive the same benefits to ensure equitable access for all.

  • Student+ Membership

    Every month
    +£0.99 One time setup fee
    Perfect for those who are students, unemployed, retired or those facing financial hardship.
    • Human Scale Education termly newsletter
    • Exclusive special offers on training, workshops and events
    • Full access to our HSE Members' Resource Library
    • A rainbow poster displaying our human scale values
    • Access to our members only Facebook group
    • Opportunities to contribute content to support our movement
    • A heartfelt welcome into our community of change makers
  • Individual Membership

    Every month
    +£0.99 One time setup fee
    Perfect for individuals who have a stable income and are financially secure.
    • Human Scale Education termly newsletter
    • Exclusive special offers on training, workshops and events
    • Full access to our HSE Members' Resource Library
    • A rainbow poster displaying our human scale values
    • Access to our members only Facebook group
    • Opportunities to contribute content to support our movement
    • A heartfelt welcome into our community of change makers
  • Change Maker Membership

    Every month
    +£0.99 One time setup fee
    Perfect for those who are feeling financially abundant and want to help our movement grow.
    • Human Scale Education termly newsletter
    • Exclusive special offers on training, workshops and events
    • Full access to our HSE Members' Resource Library
    • A rainbow poster displaying our human scale values
    • Access to our members only Facebook group
    • Opportunities to contribute content to support our movement
    • A heartfelt welcome into our community of change makers

Want to give more?

In addition to your membership, you can set up a regular donation through our Give as You Live campaign. 

Organisation Membership

Please contact us to discuss our bespoke membership package for organisations. 

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